What does Podcast success sound like?

Podcasts are big news. Everyone seems to be listening to one - or even making one!


The numbers are big and growing. 37% of the UK population regularly listen to podcasts – averaging 5 different podcasts each week. That’s a lot of people but there are also a lot of podcasts out there – spreading the audience a bit thin. However, it’s not about the numbers – if you are looking to hit lots of people – it was, and still is advertising. But how deep can you go in a 30” ad? How engaged can your audience be in half a minute?

Podcasts, particularly branded podcasts are about engagement and targeting, reaching a specific community of interest.

Unless you’re hilarious or very famous (or both) you should only make a podcast to: -

  1. Build your authority and credibility in your chosen field - cover important topics in your area of expertise and show the depth of your knowledge.

  2. Create a deeper connection and generate loyalty with your audience – podcasts give you much more time to make that connection. People have chosen to listen to what you’ve got to say because you and your subject are interesting to them. And because it’s audio they’ll engage even whilst they’re doing something else. They’ll even take you with them as they move around.

We say to brand clients, if you’re making a podcast don’t do it for numbers, even though it may generate a big audience, think about the quality of the engagement with your community of interest. Get that right and that’s what success sounds like for a podcast.
